Sunday, May 20, 2007

Busy, busy, busy... and a migraine.

Had forgotten all about the May 25 deadline for the Afghans for Afghans Mother's Day campaign, so Friday and yesterday I spent knitting a couple of quickies... a little baby hat and a kid's pair of socks. I used the Peace Fleece in Baghdad Blue (probably my favorite), plus some hand-dyed stuff from my ISE-3 scarf pal and a bit of the Peace Fleece Shaba green.

They're drying now; I'll take pictures and (I hope) post them tomorrow. Keeping fingers crossed that sending them Priority Mail on Monday will get them to San Francisco in time. Even if not, they'll go in the next shipment.

There's something so satisfying about knitting with Peace Fleece. It's just good, plain wool, and you know that whatever you knit with it will be warm and comforting. That's what I want when I knit for A4A. It pleases me no end to know that some little kid will be just a little but warmer in my socks or hat. It's not ending the war, but it is sending love out into the world, and sometimes that's the best we can do.

I trudge along on dial-up, but if you have a faster connection, you might want to check out this newscast about A4A. I spent several hours downloading it and watching it little bit by little bit, and seeing the kids' joy over socks (and listening to the volunteers in the warehouse, too) inspired me again.

I spent most of today in bed with a migraine. They seem to be coming more frequently and to be more debilitating, so I've decided to give in and ask for the meds. I hate taking any more chemicals than I absolutely have to, but I can't continue to spend two to three days a month in bed, dead to the world (or just wishing I were dead).

The jewelry orders have begun to flood in: utterly predictable, as tourist season officially opened May 15, and so much of my stuff sells in galleries visited by tourists. Predictable, but have I prepared? Well, no. I have started a new design series, though, that I'm calling "Forest Floor." I'm roll printing leaves onto sheet silver and copper for cuffs and earrings. I haven't perfected the process yet, so everything is still a happy (or not-so-happy) accident. But even that is good, as I've found myself thinking of new ways to use the "mistakes." I'm trying to find new processes that are a bit easier on my wrists, tho I'll always love hammering.

G. and I drove out Chena Hot Springs Road yesterday and saw a pair of trumpeter swans with their two babes, plus a gazillion moose. Well, five moose. But all within a couple of miles of each other. Of course, just like tourists, we had to go back and take pictures. In one case, the mama moose obviously got huffy about the papparazzi interrupting their idyllic feed in the river. She raised her hackles and snorted to "junior," and they trotted off... but not before I got the pix.

I haven't uploaded the photos to my computer yet, but once again hope to post a few in the next couple of days. I really hope the swans came out okay; they were quite a distance away. When I first saw them, both adults were standing on their heads in the water. It tickled me, but as soon as we stopped the truck to snap pix, they bobbed upright and floated around making the heart-shaped neck curves.

Of course, I picked up several pocketsfull of rocks, too. Can't ever have enough rocks.

Took the clippers out to work on the Siberian pea late today, and got my first mosquito bites of the season. It's scary dry here, so there aren't that many skeeters (yet). I noticed that even the moss on the swampy parts of the property has dried out, which I don't think I've seen happen before. This is also the first year that I haven't sunk ankle deep in muck going out to the chicken pens. Break-up came and went so quickly, and there was so little snowfall, that there just wasn't any standing water or mud at all. Trying not to be panicky, but the thought of fire in all this black spruce scares hell out of me.

I still haven't finished my felted sweater purse for my Swap-Bot pal. Deadline for mailing is Monday, so guess I'll be working on it when I get up later today. As usual, haven't yet been to bed yet. I mean, haven't been to bed again. I did spend the day there, didn't I?

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