Today (well, I guess technically yesterday, tho I've not been to bed and it's still light, so I'm calling it today)...Today was all about small, good things.
First of all, I woke up happy. My husband and I had a "date" last night, and it was fun. We went out to eat at a place we hadn't tried before. I dressed up. The food was a bit sucky, but the dessert was delish, and it was no small triumph to get him to try something new — and to show him that it can be fun to go somewhere new even if it doesn't meet expectations. We talked more than we usually do and enjoyed each other's company like... well, like we were on a date. We even flirted with each other.
My flowers are beginning to flourish. There's a bit of an overabundance of purple, so yesterday (that would be Saturday) I bought some pretty yellow violas to add to the mix. Plus some bigger snapdragons, one yellow and one a mystery color.
I planted them this afternoon.
And then I freed a bunch of ladybugs I bought with the violas. I love ladybugs. It was fun. They crawled all over my hand as I shook them out of the mesh envelope. They scurried into the leaves of my chokecherry and into the Siberian peas and onto my sunflower seedlings and petunias and silverberries and all around the yard.
Not only will they eat lots and lots of nasty bugs, they're good luck, too! It might sound silly, but I really do believe it's good luck when a ladybug lands on you, so I've just spread good fortune all over the place.
The television wasn't on today.
I called my best friend in the world and he made me laugh nonstop for an hour. We talked about his new motorcycle. I teased him hard. He teased me back.
And then I had a long chat with a long-lost friend from more than 30 years ago. Reconnecting made me really happy. Talking to someone from my adolescence made me remember who I was back then — and now I know that young girl is still here somewhere inside the woman I am now.
I've been feeling a bit old lately, so I needed the reminder.
And that was about it, really. Just enough small, pleasant things to make up a good day.
[Oh. I cheated and posted a picture of one of last year's sunflowers. Because it makes me happy. Yay!]